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Summer Business Activities - Chicago CPA

The Dog Days of Summer

Even though the dog days of summer are here, we always need to be growing our businesses. Now is a great time to be thinking about strategic ways to grow, because most of our competition is whining about, sweating from or trying to keep cool from the heat! Whatever methods you use to grow, just do more of it. Also, think outside the box. Be creative and have fun with it.

Out there in the marketing/sales arena (except real sales people, whatever that means) most us do not like to sell or heaven forbid ask for a referral. But what if we didn’t fear rejection? What if there were no such thing as “NO” for an answer, how much more would we do? What if the worst thing that could happen was success with too much business and we had to hire up or work more? BTW, I am not suggesting you take on more than you can do/handle, quality, timeliness; you get it.

Now, I have to finish the day, as I just got back in town from taking a long weekend to see our son in Minocqua. And yes, I checked my e-mails and voicemails, you never know!!

Keep cool and grow! My personal best,


Richard M. Franklin, CPA, Managing Partner

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