Nonprofit Governance - Chicago CPA

Governmental Reporting & Requirements

Warady & Davis has wide-ranging experience in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and auditing including experience auditing under Government Auditing Standards and the Single Audit Act.

W&D’s Not-for-Profit Team has knowledge of federally and state sponsored programs, which is an important factor in our ability to service not-for-profit organizations. We understand compliance with the Single Audit Act and have assisted clients in complying with these complex requirements.

We currently provide audit services to many organizations who receive federal funding and others who receive state and local government agency funds. All of our senior audit engagement team members are Yellow Book certified.

W&D is a member of the AICPA’s Governmental Audit Quality Center which is primarily focused on ensuring quality standards for governmental audits including single audits, financial statement audits of both governments and not-for-profit organizations, and audits performed under the HUD Consolidated Audit Guide.