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Performance Measurement - Chicago CPA

Measuring Performance – Look to Your Mission

A recent study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business in collaboration with BoardSource and GuideStar found that although many nonprofit organizations devote significant efforts to measuring performance, nonprofit directors say the efforts are falling short.

Performance measurement needs to assess both financial efficiency and how well the nonprofit is meeting organizational goals and achieving its mission. However, while 92% of the nonprofit directors surveyed said their boards review data and information to evaluate organizational performance, 46% said they have little to no confidence that the data they review fully and accurately measures their organizations’ success in achieving their missions.*

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If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Warady & Davis Not-For-Profit audit, accounting and tax advisors at 847-267-9600. For more information on W&D’s Chicago based not-for-profit services, visit http://dev.waradydavis.com/industries/not-for-profit